Project Log

Date Aiken hours Description En Rong hours Description
25/04/2021 - - 2 GitHub Repo setup
30/04/2021 - - 4 Added CI checks and tests
01/05/2021 - - 6 Connected frontend to GraphQL backend. Added basic block dragging functionality in notepage
02/05/2021 - - 4 Handle blocks updates in backend. Added an all notes summary page
09/05/2021 - - 2 Updated Apollo InMemoryCache implementation
10/05/2021 - - 6 Updated frontend caching and blocks updates in backend
11/05/2021 - - 6 Added routing in the frontend, and responsive navbar, loading and 404 components
12/05/2021 - - 2 Added UI snapshot tests
13/05/2021 2 Read up Git commands 2 Added mockups for frontend tests
14/05/2021 4 First meeting with project mentor and project discussion regarding poster and video submission 4 First meeting with project mentor and project discussion regarding poster and video submission
14/05/2021 4 Read up ReactJS documentation 4 Read up on handling authentication on web apps (JWT)
15/05/2021 6 Mission Control #1 Workshops (ReactJS and HTML/ CSS/ JS) - -
15/05/2021 4 Poster and video for submission 4 Poster and video for submission
16/05/2021 2 Read-up semantic UI react API - -
17/05/2021 4 Created boardview template with semantic UI react - -
20/05/2021 5 Attempted to add context menu to noteblocks - -
21/05/2021 - - 4 Reading up on access and refresh token authentication flow
22/05/2021 - - 6 Implementing authentication with JWT access and refresh tokens
22/05/2021 2 Mission Control #2 Workshop (ReactJS) 2 Mission Control #2 Workshop (ReactJS)
24/05/2021 6 Reworked context menu for noteblocks, added delete and add row buttons 10 Added PassportJS and switched to sessions and cookies auth flow
25/05/2021 - - 2 Frontend logout
26/05/2021 - - 8 Update backend GraphQL resolvers and miscellaneous frontend updates
26/05/2021 - - 3 Deployment to MongoDB Atlas, Heroku and Vercel
28/05/2021 3 Read up GraphQL and Appollo API - -
28/05/2021 3 Attempted to add boardview/ tableview to notepages - -
29/05/2021 2 Team-meeting to update each other on implementations 2 Team-meeting to update each other on implementations
30/05/2021 - - 2 Added deleteNote and deleteDatabase mutations. Fixed login state bug in frontend.
01/06/2021 4 Added renaming functionality to components - -
02/06/2021 2 Reworked renaming functionality with react state props - -
02/06/2021 4 Encountered react state persistence bug when implementing alternative views, workaround with React-router links m -
04/06/2021 2 Fixed Git Pull Request merge issues and snapshot testing 2 Fixed Git PR merge issues and snapshot testing
06/06/2021 6 Familiarising with apollo and mongodb API - -
08/06/2021 4 Implemented categories as a property of notes, basic implementation of boardview - -
09/06/2021 2 Team meet to plan better implementation of categories and implemented alternative views using cache updates 2 Team meet for implementation of categories
09/06/2021 1 Fixed semantic ordering of components in context-menus - -
10/06/2021 6 Created handlers for adding, deleting and updating categories, created columns for boardview - -
11/06/2021 6 Made notes in boardview draggable between categories columns and rows, however encountered a react dnd bug -
14/06/2021 2 Debugging react-beautiful-dnd bug, replanned categories data structure 2 Debugging react-beautiful-dnd bug , replanned categories data structure
15/06/2021 8 Reimplemented categories as its own schema in backend, updated handlers, encountered bug when trying to populate categories -
16/06/2021 8 Fixed appollo bug, reimplemented draggable notes. Encountered visual bug when due to lag when dragging notes. -
18/06/2021 4 Fixed lag bug with apollo optimistic response - -
22/06/2021 - - 8 Review PR, refactor code in PR
23/06/2021 2 Added optimistic response to deleteNote handler to reduce lag in vercel deployment 3 Added database migrations and deployed updated version
23/06/2021 - - 4 Write documentation and deploy on GitHub Pages using mkdocs
24/06/2021 4 Tested optimistic response to createNote handler, still buggy 4 Fix Apollo mutation cache update resulting in cursor jumping to EOL bug in react-contenteditable component
01/07/2021 7 Implemented and tested various different CRUD handlers for recursive note blocks - -
03/07/2021 6 Research on how to pass recusively structured objects to frontend and testing - -
05/07/2021 7 Implemented noteblock query handlers to flatten recursive note block 'trees' into a single array to be passed to frontend - -
07/07/2021 2 Implemented handlers to indent blocks on a tab - -
07/07/2021 3 Styled indented note blocks, updated navigation function to help caret navigate through newly structured note blocks - -
07/07/2021 3 Fixed fatal bugs caused by getNote and updateNoteBlock handlers - -
08/07/2021 1 Cleaned up frontend and backend code - -
08/07/2021 3 Updated note block CRUD operators and indentBlock handler to work across different layers of note blocks - -
08/07/2021 2 Fixed non-updating note block text when indenting note-blocks - -
08/07/2021 2 Updated navigation function to allow it to navigate into indented note blocks - -
10/07/2021 3 Fixed crash bug when indenting note block under certain conditions - -
10/07/2021 2 Implemented unindent note block handler - -
11/07/2021 3 Updated backspace event within note blocks to unindent note block only when caret set to start of the note block - -
11/07/2021 3 Added handler to append to previous block upon backspace when a note block can no longer be unidented - -
14/07/2021 4 Added handlers to properly get and set caret positions in noteblocks. Caret position is now preserved when indenting blocks 2 Added more documentation on project documentation website
15/07/2021 - - 3 Research and implement GitHub workflow actions and setup dependabot
15/07/2021 - - 2 Added more documentation on implementation details on project website
16/07/2021 3 Fixed non-updating noteblocks by triggering a rerender everytime a note block loses focus 2 Read up on GraphQL backend testing
16/07/2021 2 Implemented handler to split note blocks upon enter key event along caret - -
17/07/2021 4 Research on how to implement draggable blocks in a recursive structure 8 Read up on GraphQL backend testing with MongoDB, and implemented tests for query resolvers
17/07/2021 - - 1 Added project documentation for test suites
17/07/2021 - - 1 Update miscellaneous readmes and project documentation
18/07/2021 - - 2 Read up on optimistic response, and reviewed PR on optimistic response for the note handlers
18/07/2021 - - 2 Improved the note and noteblock context menu UI/UX and accessibility
18/07/2021 - - 2 Improved notepage UI, and added the editable title block
19/07/2021 - - 2 Improve notepage and database dragging styling
20/07/2021 - - 4 Worked on board view dragging bugs, and overall look and UX
21/07/2021 - - 4 Refactored database views, implemented draggable columns with draggable notes in board view, miscellaneous UI updates
21/07/2021 - - 1 New backend resolver updates to match frontend requirements
22/07/2021 4 Basic side-bar for databases added as a popup button 4 Added documentation on skills learnt and challenges encountered
22/07/2021 3 More styling for side-bar added to fit overall theme of the app 1 Fix deployment bug due to mistakes in package.json
23/07/2021 3 Created draggable databases 2 Research on how to handle optimistic UI where IDs have yet to be returned from backend. Handled optimistic UI id bug for database views
24/07/2021 2 Work-around for styling bug in draggable databases created 6 Research on useMemo to prevent child component from rerendering (which causes react-contenteditable cursor to jump to the end of line). Handled uploading of images. Updated login button with loader. Added optimistic response UI for category creation.
24/07/2021 - - 1 Backend update to match frontend requirements
25/07/2021 6 Restyle, add draggable function and new CRUD operations to table view 4 Added link sharing feature. Slight UI improvements
25/07/2021 2 Updated frontend and backend functions to go to last visited databases on login. - -
26/07/2021 4 Debug styling bugs in table view and side bar, cleaned up code 6 Review Side navbar PR and fix miscellaneous bugs in the PR. Added migration file for that PR and deployed it.
26/07/2021 4 Update documentation, poster and video 2 Debugged race condition in backend. Wrote transactions for some resolvers.
26/07/2021 - - 2 Update documentation
Total Hours Aiken En Rong
200 178

Last update: 2021-07-27
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