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Implementation Details

Why these technologies?



We settled with ReactJS as the library of choice in implementing our frontend as it is an industry standard for building web applications today. This allows us to learn skills relevant to the industry, and build a level of proficiency and familiarity in this library and its ecosystem, before moving on to bigger projects in the future.



For the backend, we chose to use Express as it is a commonly used backend framework for small to medium projects. Besides, the frontend was already written in TypeScript, and having prior experience with JavaScript syntax in CS1101S Programming Methodology would allow for a lower initial learning curve.


We chose GraphQL over the traditional RESTful API for this project for 2 main reasons:

  1. GraphQL is gaining lots of traction in the industry and amongst big name companies such as Airbnb and GitHub!
  2. Allows us to send queries to get the exact data we need without having to work with rigid server-defined endpoints.

    • This is crucial as our notetaking app requires slightly different variations of data from the backend for different pages.
    • This also means less work when implementing the API as we do not need multiple endpoints with specific shapes, while allowing the frontend to only query the data it needs!

Over and above, GraphQL has a strong type system that is written down as a GraphQL schema. This schema defines the API, and serves as a contract between the client and backend, which tells the client how to access the data in the backend.

  • This means that once the schema is defined, the frontend and backend teams can work independently and quicker since both are aware of the structure of data that is sent over the API!

As we are working with dynamically structured data, using a document NoSQL database like MongoDB is a no-brainer. Also, it is widely documented and well-integrated with NodeJS via libraries such as Mongoose. Deployment is also made easy with SaaS such as MongoDB Atlas.

Last update: 2021-07-27
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