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Project Overview

Problem Motivation

As university students, we are very selective of where we write our notes. Although there are many note taking apps out there, each one only truly excels in their own unique form of note taking (e.g. OneNote for handwritten notes, Google Docs for collaboration, Notion for database-style organisation). Worse still, some feature-rich ones require subscription fees. This can be annoying for university students, who are forced to make a compromise between features and also cost.

We have identified a core set of features that students seek in their note-taking apps. Offering superb organisation, the ability to jot on the go, easy collaboration, and time management features, NoteWorthy combines the best features of note taking apps out there into a compelling package for students, by students.

Proposed level of achievement: Apollo

Proposed Core Features

  1. Login into the app and retrieve their own notes
  2. View notes in a simple 'Table' view or a Kanban-style 'Board' view
  3. Drag notes around in the above-mentioned database views to organise them
  4. Note pages are composed of draggable and editable blocks
  5. Upload pictures and screenshots to notes
  6. Share notes with others via online links
  7. Download and convert notes into printable pdf

Last update: 2021-07-27
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